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Lion Around Asks “What Does Your Major Do?”

February 4, 2019

Hosts Gina Geliche and Monica Freeman are asking the serious questions in this week’s episode of Lion Around. Recorded in Maki Library, Geliche and Freeman collected a few guests to see what they think various majors do in their school work. This episode is brought to you by the person who referred to art school as “crayon college.” Geliche stated that she has heard the term before and that people tend to assume that art majors color all day for their degree. Wanting to challenge this perception, Geliche came up with the idea to ask students in other degree programs “what do you think my major does?”Lion Around studying up on crayon college

Accompanying the hosts are students Haley Makela and Lane Brown. Makela is a senior marketing major. Also a captain on the women’s basketball team, goalie for women’s soccer, vice president of student senate, member of Alpha Lambda Delta, and employee of the bookstore.  Brown is a sophomore who was formerly studying nursing but is now studying for a degree in criminal justice (CJ). He is also a member of the baseball team. As a friendly reminder for the listeners, Freeman and Geliche also stated their majors. Geliche is earning a degree is fiber arts with a minor in Finnish studies, and Freeman is working towards a business degree in marketing and graphic design.

Kicking off the discussion, Geliche admitted that when she thinks of Makela’s major, she imagines Makela using an old school calculator and doing a lot of math. Makela corrected Geliche stating that while she has taken an introductory math class and two semesters of accounting, business majors tend to do a lot of writing. Brown also chimed in saying that he also writes consistently for his degree.

Turning to criminal justice, Makela described the degree as reading pieces, summarizing the pieces and then writing about the pieces. Freeman assisted in this description by saying not all CJ majors go to the police academy. Brown supported Makela’s statement by stating that someone once described his degree as a “backup English major.” What Freeman stated was also correct, CJ majors can go into the police academy as a career path, but they can also go in the federal sector or go to law school.

Brown then tried to describe Geliche’s major. Between Makela and Brown, the common consensus was Geliche makes clothes and knits for her degree. While the two were not far off, Geliche agreed that she does sew and knit, but she hates sewing. Geliche enjoys weaving, and does a lot of computer work to create different pieces.

Rounding out the conversation, the group discussed Freeman’s degree, primarily focusing on the graphics aspect. Makela described graphic design as hanging out with professor Tom Adolphs and being frustrated when Adobe products don’t work correctly, while also bringing in the business aspect of what color will make people notice this piece. Brown assisted with description by adding that Freeman has to decide what layout works the best and is the most eye-catching. Freeman agreed with the description, and added onto it mentioning that with her degree she can go out and assist small businesses since she has the “best of both worlds.”


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