Students in field

Crying Around; Lion Around’s Senior Send Off

May 3, 2019

Gina Geliche and Monica Freeman celebrating their senior send offBack from their hiatus, Lion Around hosts Gina Geliche and Monica Freeman are finishing off their year with the send-off episode. Recorded where graduation takes place, the Paavo Nurmi Center, Freeman and Geliche recall what they have learned throughout their collegiate career.

Experience is the best teacher

One of the first points that Freeman and Geliche make, they knew prior to their time at FinnU.  However, Freeman stated that through her experiences in college, the idea of “experience is the best teacher” has stood out to her, especially in her last two years.

Don’t be afraid to be ambitious

Freeman and Geliche expanded upon this point in different contexts. Mentioning some of the opportunities available to students at FinnU, Freeman reminisced about applying for her internship and for the Paloheimo Fellowship. Geliche applied the point to fashion and talked about the time she chose to wear a tutu to her welding class. Either way, Freeman and Geliche encourage students to chase after their dreams.

Realize that adults are also “winging it”

Both hosts admitted that there have been moments in college where they had no idea what was happening or what to do in certain situations. Geliche brought up job searching and discussed her attendance at the Adulting 101 workshops were a reassurance that she was on the right track.

Take time for yourself

Mental health is important. Freeman and Geliche highly encourage taking time out of your day to relax. Naps are a vital aspect of Freeman’s and Geliche’s personal mental health care regime. The hosts suggest taking naps during college because you may not be able to enjoy them outside of college.

Be active on campus

Attending campus events adds to one’s college experience. A consistent attendant to college events, Geliche mentioned attending college events allows her to interact with other majors and community members whom she enjoys meeting.

Explore the area

Going off the idea of community, Freeman and Geliche suggest that students explore the area. Living in a scenic area, there are many opportunities to explore if students are willing to be adventurous.  

Take a class that makes you think

Freeman believes that students should take classes that make them think outside of the box. Using her freshmen philosophy class as an example, Freeman stated that was intimidated to take the class but, in the end, enjoyed the content and the teacher so much that she ended up taking another philosophy class with the same teacher. Geliche added onto that saying that she loved her speech class, because the class was consistently engaging. “Give the course a chance,” remarked Geliche, you never know when you are going to stumble upon something you enjoy.

Build a relationship with your parents/ have a support system

Relationships with parents change after high school. While they may not do your laundry anymore, parents are a good support system to have and are your “spiritual guides into adulthood.” Having a support system outside of your parents is vital as well, in Freeman’s opinion, because it is another outlet to reach out to in times of distress.

Winding down, Freeman and Geliche stated their gratitude for receiving the opportunity to host Lion Around. If anyone would like to connect with the hosts, LinkedIn connections are highly encouraged.


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